Thursday 10 February 2011

Red Bull's Magazine

It’s interesting to see that Red Bull has produced ‘The Red Bulletin’ magazine in association with The Sunday Telegraph, an adventure-inspired glossy that covers extreme sports, travel, edgy art and the hippest music scenes. Every one of these topics of course features against sharp Red Bull-related editorial and large photographic images of Red Bull’s latest projects. BUT, it’s a great way of creating a brand personality.

For example, once you’ve read the magazine from page to page, Red Bull becomes an even more thrill-seeking, trendy and cultured brand; someone you’d like to be associated with. If Red Bull was a person, he (or she) would be the cool kid at school, head of the sports teams, or the thrill-seeking adrenaline junkie trying out every adventure under the sun.

The Red Bulletin is published monthly in eight countries worldwide, and apologies if I’ve been slow on the pickup with this, but either way it’s still an innovative idea and a great way to engage the consumer.

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