Friday 4 February 2011

Photographer Scribbles Graffiti with Light and Stencils

You've never seen light graffiti quite like this.

Urban photographer TigTab, who keeps her real identity under tight wraps, has been going around the streets of Melbourne at night, seeking out the dark and lonely places and illuminating them with her gorgeous light stencils.

Each image is painstakingly created and can take hours to produce. A light box lined with foil, which TigTab places over the stencil, is lit up with a burst of light from a camera flash while the camera shutter itself remains open to capture the image. She then repositions her images and shoots the flash again.

The result is hauntingly beautiful.

TigTab herself put it best: "I find beauty in decay...those abandoned and forgotten places all around us. By bringing light into the darkness of each space, it fills that space for a moment in time and highlights both their beauty and impermanence."

You can see more of TigTab's work over at her Flickr stream.

Via CNET Pulse

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