Sunday 10 October 2010


At RPM, we love a good experience; and what better than a experience so profound, it promises to set your whole body into a constant tremble, forcing your lungs to secrete the loudest, most spine tingling scream.

Oh, and all for at least 80 minutes?

This was not a brand experience (albeit it would have made a great one), more the promise of terrifying play 'Ghost Stories' at The Lyric Theatre, directed by The League Of Gentleman's master of the macabre Jeremy Dyson.

The Marketing behind this play is fantastic. I was genuinely scared simply by entering the website. 'Are you brave enough to enter?' it asks, and I hesitantly clicked to continue. In true blare-witch style, none of the play's content was revealed. Instead of the usual plot summary and cast synopsis, I was faced with eerie music and a film clip of the audience's reaction which I couldn't stop myself playing over and over again. Boy did that have an effect.

The actual play didn't fail to live up to the hype. Before the show had even started, the theatre lights were flickering dimly and people couldn't stop gossiping about their own ghost stories. Even women in the toilet queue were telling ghostly tales and I couldn't help but wonder if this was yet another clever Marketing ploy.

Throughout the play, smells of bleach and dry ice were pumped throughout the theatre adding to the chilly atmosphere and loud, unnerving sounds were also played in between scenes. I know you want me to, but I won't reveal anything about the actual play. The cast in fact request that you don't tell the secrets of Ghost Stories. All I will say, is that this is a theatrical experience like no other, and if you like being scared, it's a must see.

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