Tuesday 15 November 2011

Facebook Culling is on the Up, so what can Brands Learn From this Savage Trend?

It’s pretty ironic really. While brands are bending over backwards to get more online ‘friends’ to develop and grow their social communities, the average Facebook user is, quite simply, ‘culling’ theirs. In last night’s Evening Standard, Joshi Herrmann wrote that ‘culling’ friends is on the up as more of us look to settle into more meaningful networks with our friends.

I would argue that brands have something to learn from this trend. While sporting thousands of Facebook followers can certainly help to amplify your brand, contributing towards a powerful impression of industry leadership, brands need to ensure that these followers are actually ‘friends’ who will be happy to interact with you and spread positive messages about you. The last thing a brand wants is Facebook followers who aren’t engaged with their brand and merely sit there for the sake of it. They might even leave the community, or worse yet, click the ‘Remove Friend’ button. And all it takes is a click.

Just as we look to have meaningful interactions on our Facebook pages with those we trust, brands should look to do the same. What better way to build brand advocates than to engage them with insightful and relevant content? Once brands create this value exchange and a path to participation, a significant and influential community is built and sustained.

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